Here are the basic ingredients:

blog picI’m living the country life in Western Massachusetts after two years in New York City and eight years in Boston before that.  Adjusting to life in the Berkshires hasn’t been easy, but I’m making the most of quieter days and all that the area has to offer.

I work in book publishing as a trade and gift sales manager for two companies that publish mostly gardening, craft, cooking, and homesteading titles.

I’m the eldest of seven girls with a big extended family, and all that that implies.

I’m attempting to reconnect with aspects of my life that used to define me, like writing, art, cooking, and crafting. I’m not always successful, but I’ll try anything.

In the midst of all that, I’m trying not to lose sight of who I am and the people who mean the most to me.

Follow along as I figure out what I’m really made of…